Si bien estoy especializado en el estudio de la confianza en Internet y en las comunidades virtuales, a lo largo de los años he realizado trabajos en diferentes ámbitos, aunque en general, siempre relacionados con la incidencia de la tecnología en el marketing y el management.
Si tiene algún proyecto de investigación que proponerme puede ponerse en contacto conmigo en guinaliu at unizar dot es.
A continuación, les indico los principales artículos científicos en los que he participado.
- Belanche, D.; Guinalíu, M.; Albás, P. Customer adoption of p2p mobile payment systems: The role of perceived risk TELEMATICS & INFORMATICS. 2022.
- Flavián, C.; Guinalíu, M.; Jordán, P. Virtual teams are here to stay: How personality traits, virtuality and leader gender impact trust in the leader and team commitment EUROPEAN RESEARCH ON MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS ECONOMICS. 2022.
- Flavián, C.; Guinalíu, M.; Lu, Y. Mobile payments adoption – introducing mindfulness to better understand consumer behavior INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BANK MARKETING. 2020.
- Belanche, D., Casaló, L.V., Flavián, C., Guinalíu, M. Reciprocity and commitment in online travel communities. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT AND DATA SYSTEMS. 2019.
- Belanche, D.; Casaló, Luis V.; Guinalíu, M. The effect of culture in forming e-loyalty intentions: A cross-cultural analysis between Argentina and Spain. BUSINESS RESEARCH QUARTERLY. 2015.
- Casaló, L. V.; Flavián, C.; Guinalíu, M.; Ekinci, Y. Do online hotel rating schemes influence booking behaviors?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT. 2015.
- Casaló, L. V.;Flavián, C.;Guinalíu, M.; Ekinci, Y. Avoiding the dark side of positive online consumer reviews: Enhancing reviews’ usefulness for high risk-averse travelers. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH. 2015.
- Casaló, L. V.;Flavián, C.;Guinalíu, M. New members’ integration: Key factor of success in online travel communities. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH. 2013.
- Casaló, L. V.;Flavián, C. ;Guinalíu, M. Understanding the intention to follow the advice obtained in an online travel community. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 2011.
- Casaló, Luis V.; Flavián, Carlos; Guinalíu, Miguel. The generation of trust in the online services and product distribution: the case of spanish electronic commerce. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH. 2011.
- Casaló, L. V.; Flavián, C. ;Guinalíu, M. Antecedents and consequences of consumer participation in on-line communities: The case of the travel sector. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE. 2010.
- Casaló, L. V.;Flavián, C. ;Guinalíu, M. Relationship quality, community promotion and brand loyalty in virtual communities: Evidence from free software communities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. 2010.
- Casaló, L. V.; Flavián, C. ; Guinalíu, M. Determinants of the intention to participate in firm-hosted online travel communities and effects on consumer behavioral intentions. TOURISM MANAGEMENT. 2010.
- Casaló, Luis V.; Cisneros, Jesús; Flavián, Carlos; Guinalíu, Miguel. Determinants of success in open source software networks. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS. 2009.
- Casaló, L. V.; Flavián, Carlos; Guinalíu, Miguel. The Role of Satisfaction and Website Usability in Developing Customer Loyalty and Positive Word-of-Mouth in the e-Banking Services. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BANK MARKETING. 2008.
- Casaló, Luis; Flavián, Carlos; Guinalíu, Miguel. The role of perceived usability, reputation, satisfaction and consumer familiarity on the website loyalty formation process. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 2008.
- Casaló, Luis; Flavián, Carlos; Guinalíu, Miguel. The impact of participation in virtual brand communities on consumer trust and loyalty. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW. 2007.
- Casaló, Luis V.; Flavián, Carlos; Guinalíu, Miguel. The role of security, privacy, usability and reputation in the development of online banking. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW. 2007.
- Flavián, C.; Guinalíu, M.; Gurrea, R. The role played by perceived usability, satisfaction and consumer trust on website loyalty. INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT. 2006.
- Flavián, C.; Guinalíu, M. Consumer trust, perceived security and privacy policy – Three basic elements of loyalty to a web site. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS. 2006.
- Flavián, Carlos; Guinalíu, Miguel; Torres, Eduardo. How bricks-and-mortar attributes affect online banking adoption. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BANK MARKETING. 2006.
- Flavián, Carlos; Guinalíu, Miguel; Torres, Eduardo. The influence of corporate image on consumer trust. INTERNET RESEARCH. 2005.
- Carlos Flavián; Eduardo Torres; Miguel Guinalíu. Corporate image measurement: A further problem for the tangibilization of Internet banking services. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BANK MARKETING. 2004.